
What happens to auto repair businesses when high-tech cars take over


Technology is taking over the world, and markets such as auto repair are not exempt from this.
As more and more people buy new cars with more high-tech features, repairs for these cars
become much more complicated.

How technology is affecting the auto repair business?

Cars have become more complex and computerised over the last decade. Each vehicle now has
sensors, hundreds or thousands of computer chips, and is controlled by software. The rise of
self-driving cars is likely to reduce the demand for auto repairs, as these vehicles will require
far less maintenance than traditional cars. However, the increased complexity of modern cars
can create more work for mechanics, as there are more opportunities for things to go wrong. In
addition, self-driving cars will still need to be serviced and repaired from time to time, so there
will still be a market for auto repair businesses.

The Future of Auto Repair

Some auto repair businesses are already embracing this new technology. They are investing in
diagnostic tools and training their technicians to use them. Others are partnering with or even
buying out companies that specialize in high-tech car repairs.

However, the cost of these diagnostic tools and training can cost hundreds of thousands of
dollars to gain the tools and make the shop adjustments to repair just a few cars. That’s before
the cost of training workers to use those tools, with shops paying thousands each year to keep
their staff certified to fix specific cars.

According to industry experts, the repair crisis is likely to worsen before it improves. There are
more people who want repairs than there are people who can make them.

Expect the auto shops that survive to be busier and to look different than in the past. Following
a decades-long shortage of auto technicians, firms are eager to attract a new generation of
workers who are enthusiastic about electric vehicles or automated driving technology.

It’s fair to wonder what will happen to auto repair businesses with the rise in high-tech cars.
While it’s true that these cars will probably need fewer repairs overall, there will still be a need
for qualified mechanics who can troubleshoot and fix problems when they arise. Auto repair
businesses are not going anywhere soon.


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