
Low carbon alternative for cementreplacement: No Choices but necessity!

There is no secret in the fact that cement is one of the most widely and frequently used construction components. However, even though people use it regularly, a long list of disadvantages comes with using this construction component. Some of the most significant disadvantages of using cement are that it has low tensile strength, is less ductile, and may contain soluble salts

Not only this, cement has been known to have its share of many diverse effects on nature itself. This is where low carbon alternatives for cement step in and help builders use quality products that are highly beneficial for the environment and work in accordance with nature norms.

Advantages of low carbon alternatives over cement :

  • It reduces carbon emission by up to 75 % as compared to the other use of cement and concrete.
  • Low carbon alternatives for cement are the formation of nano-CaCO3 crystals that results in improved durability.
  • These alternatives clearly mean less use of glue and low embodied energy.
  • The steam can be replaced by carbon dioxide.

Researchers at the Brazilian University of Para and the Martin Luther University HalleWittenberg in Germany have successfully developed an environmentally friendly alternative to the national methods of cement. With this invention, a lot of construction in houses, offices, bridges, staircases, factories, etc. can be done using alternative low-carbon methods rather than cement.

Many companies worldwide are developing low-carbon alternatives by reducing or completely eradicating the presence of CO2 in their building materials. These alternatives are sure to be a boom for mother nature and builders with their many beneficial features.

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