
Everything you need to know aboutMeriPehchaan


A single sign-on platform, Meri Pehchaan allows simple and easy authentication for the citizens. With its extensive collaboration with the three mainstream SSO platforms such as e-Praman, Jan Parichay, and Digi Locker, Meripehchaan authenticates the users based on multiple attractions parameters such as username, mobile number, address, Aadhar card, PAN card, etc. This single sign-on is all about a centralized service through which the user can access multiple applications through the same session. Clearly, the best advantage of Meri Pehchaan is that it saves a person from the unnecessary hassle of filling on their details for every different portal.

The primary purpose of Meri Pehchaan is to completely eliminate the repetitive sign-on procedures by centralizing the user authentication and identifying management at a central identity provider. This, in turn, results in better user productivity on a national level, better user mobility, and seamless access to various services and applications by logging in or authenticating only once.

Since Meri Pehchaan is a collaboration of 3 national-level SSOs, the user gets the choice of either registering on any one of the forums or all three as per their choices. You can generate a username and password by providing your name, mobile number, address, gender, etc.

If you are wondering if it is safe to share your Aadhaar and pan card details on this portal, then you can be assured that it is entirely safe to do so. So, for seamless user onboarding, multifactor attraction, standardized registrations, etc., get yourself registered on Meri Pehchaan today


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