Everything You Need To Know AboutE-Granthalaya

E-Granthalaya, a digital platform, is developed by the national informatics center, the ministry of electronics and information technology, and the government of India for government libraries. It is an initiative to provide complete integrated library management. The primary purpose of e-Granthalaya is to transform traditional libraries into digital libraries and provide the readers with good reading options and materials right from the comfort of their spaces.
e-Granthalaya has launched its latest version, i.e. Ver 4.0, a “cloud-ready application” that provides web-based solutions in enterprise mode with a centralized database for the cluster of libraries. e-Granthalaya was first launched as an in-house project at the “Karnataka state center of NIC, Bangalore ” for the public libraries in the state. After the initial success, this project was soon taken over by the NIC HQs “library and information services division”. The new software was designed and developed with the help and assistance of library professionals to develop a platform that could not only simplify the workflow of libraries but also be suitable for most kinds of libraries.
This platform’s innovation and information are not just the technology stack but also its distribution. This software is not installed in libraries but provided to government and semi-organizations. Anybody can make the most of e-Granthalaya by taking an annual membership with a charge of 21,275 Rs. With its easy connectivity, open-source DBMS, web-based data entry solutions, and a wide array of publishers, authors, and writers, these multiple collections of books under one digital library are sure to be highly beneficial for one and for all.