3 Tech Trends that will Impact Businesses Well Beyond 2022

The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the way organisations work. And they have realised they need to stay abreast with the changing technological trends to thrive in the dynamic world. That said, here are the top three trends you need to watch out for 2022 and beyond.

Artificial Intelligence (AI)
AI market size will grow to USD 309.6 billion by 2026 as per data from marketsandmarkets.com. Partnering with AI aids us in decision-making process and thus areas like recommendation systems, dynamic pricing, supply chain optimization, etc are benefitting tremendously. Industries like healthcare and financial services are on the fore. Plus, it is creating jobs in other sectors as well in the fields of development, testing, support, and maintenance.
Blockchain Technology
Blockchain is a type of ledger where you can add data and not make any change, which makes the technology secure. Besides digital currencies, it is useful in managing supply chains, facilitating lending, and much more.
Cybersecurity give power to organisations to control unauthorised data access, reduce cyber-attacks and combat well with rising sophistication of cyber threats. The data breaches and severe malicious attacks will not cost a fortune to the companies if effective cybersecurity technology is in place. Businesses need to follow and adopt these trends to stay ahead of the competition. Refusing to embrace changes with time may prove detrimental to the business growth in the long run.