
What Is Extended Reality (XR) and How Is it Changing the Future?

In computing, extended reality (XR) is an umbrella term for several related technologies, including augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR), and mixed reality (MR). These immersive technologies blend the physical world with a virtual computer-created world to extend human experiences and make them more interactive and immersive.

To get a clearer picture of the XR, let’s discuss the related terms in brief:

Virtual Reality: It is a simulated 3D world created with the help of digital technology. Users need to wear a head-mount display or a special VR headset for viewing the virtual world.

Augmented Reality: AR gives a real-time view of the physical environment where computer-generated inputs like images, texts, or animation offer heightened experiences.

Mixed Reality: In MR, natural and digital worlds are blended to create new environments where physical and virtual objects co-exist.

XR Changing Future Landscape of Industries

As more companies embrace digital transformation, the extended reality is one technological trend benefitting a wide range of industries. For instance, technology has a strong presence in the gaming industry. The XR and VR headsets have become indispensable tools for enjoying high-end XR games.

In the retail industry, retailers use AR maps that help customers locate the products they are looking for.

The real estate sector already relies on VR trips so buyers can view the property from the comfort of their homes. Similarly, large-scale companies are taking advantage of VR headsets to conduct employee training programs at remote locations. They are even implementing XR for recruitment processes. Google Maps is one of the best examples of the XR used by every age of people for covering both small and long distances.

Seeing the massive applications of the extended reality in various industries, no wonder it will come into the mainstream in the next five years and change the way people live, work, and enjoy.

Hope you find this article helpful. The Horizon Times (THOT) is an awareness initiative of Digantah Saksham Foundation with an effort to bring the latest and upcoming trends in technology to the people across multiple sectors of society. For any feedback or comments, feel free to write to us at


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